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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

To Give...

Sometimes, doesn't it feel soooo much better to just GIVE? In between my projects, I'm crocheting pieces and hats for Warm Up America. There is a drop box at my local Michael's. The pieces must be 7" x 9" and will be made into blankets for homeless, people at shelters, hospitals, etc. The hats are for premature babies. I love to crochet and I love to help people. Either of these takes such a short amount of time, that I try to do one between each of my larger projects. Here is a preemie hat I made:

I also made a good "pen pal" of mine a blanket for her son. I met her online when I was pregnant with my son, and she was due on the same day. Since then she has had a little girl and just had her third a couple weeks ago. I'm going to make her oldest two hats, but she really wanted her littlest to have a nice, warm, cuddly blanket and she doesn't know anyone who crochets to teach her how. Here's the blanket:

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