Where ya goin'?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Granny + Hiatus + 2011

1. As a result of my husband working two late nights in a row, my daughter's second blanket is finished:
I like this blanket a lot... It's "different" from anything else I've made. It is more grown, less baby. I also love that it's a granny square, instead of rows going back and forth. [Pattern: The Handmade Dress]

2. A two-week hiatus is in store for me... The little family and I will be going to visit the large family for two weeks. CAN'T WAIT! I won't be crocheting until we get back in January... My Masters coursework is piling up, so I'll also be using this time to finish some things. After returning, there are some things I am very excited about! I'm going to make a few things to put on Etsy; see if I can make a little side money. Hubby and I have some "wants" and I would like to contribute to them. =) I hope I can contribute by doing something I love!

3. With the end of 2010, and the beginning of 2011, I can't help but think about how many things I have to be grateful for and how many things I have to look forward to. I've done more in 2010 than ever; both big and small. Highlights:
  • In just two months, I've made three blankets, two pairs of booties, two headbands, one dress, nine hats, two 7x9" pieces for Warm Up America, four Christmas trees, four snowflakes, and three stars. Considering before this year I had only made three blankets, so I'm pretty darn proud! =)
  • I GOT MARRIED! My son got a father, I got a husband, it was one of the happiest days of my life. The time since has been so precious and valuable. My son and I are so lucky to have such a good man in our lives.
  • We moved across the country. Absolutely the SCARIEST thing in my life, but that also gives me something to be proud of. I believed in something, I took a chance, and my life as become so ample, fulfilled, happy, blessed... There just aren't enough adjectives. Not a single day goes by that I don't miss my family back home, but I'm blessed for all the life we have nonetheless.
There are many more amazing things from 2010.... these are just a few.
Coming in 2011?
  • A possible move...
  • Possible career change/advancement for hubby... (within the Army)
  • Lots of yarn ;)
  • To find a crochet pattern for this:
It's a jumper on a Bernat label, but it's for knit. I have searched and searched and searched, but haven't found a similar crochet pattern that I liked. I really want to make something like this for my daughter!!

Merry Christmas!!!! Happy New Year!!!!

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