Where ya goin'?

Monday, February 28, 2011

It's been a while...

I haven't been posting as frequently as I used to... I'm starting to have trouble remembering what my last post was about! LOL I have hit 36 weeks now... I'm hoping to meet my little girl soon! She is going to be really big; I can tell. It's pretty painful when she moves around.
Tomorrow we're moving... What fun... I have been packing, packing, packing... Hubby will do all the moving, but then it will be unpacking, unpacking, unpacking... and I am NOT looking forward to it AT ALL! Then we have to clean this apartment for the move-out inspection, and I would like to make sure that everything is completely done before she arrives. I'm excited that she will have her own bedroom, though. I have gotten quite addicted to making things for her bedroom. :) I have a list of things I want to make soon! I hope I will be able to do some next week!!!
This past week, I have expanded my crafty-ness to include fabrics... I still don't, nor do I plan to, sew or use a sewing machine. I'll just stick to my hot glue gun for now!! LOL I made cute little memory boards for the kids' rooms though...

Also, I have made several sales, YAY, so here are some of the things I've made:
 A baby stocking hat, and an adult beanie with matching scarf...

 Bunny hats for sisters and a cute little newborn beanie...

 A diaper cover to match the previous beanie and a few pairs of mary jane slippers...

 A hammock... I have another I need to start working on now. :)

& a cute little beachy hat!

Right now I'm working on another bunny hat, then I have another bunny hat, some headbands, a hammock, and another diaper cover to make. :) Exciting! I also plan on making some leg warmers next week. Wish me luck! I hope everyone has a fabulous week!


Shanti said...

Hi Kristin!!
It's crazy that you're about to move!!!!
I can't imagine it, a moving is very tireing and involves so much and I'm sure that will be heavy on you... good luck!!!
Your crochet things are gorgeous!!! good that you're having so many sales!

Shanti said...

I hope your moving was smooth and you're all set up just to enjoy the final waiting of your little girl... take your time enjoying and getting ready the nursery and rest as much as you can!!!

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