Where ya goin'?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happiness is...

Happiness is returning to your husband after a week 3,000 miles away and finding the most beautiful flowers in center of a clean table, in a clean kitchen, in a clean house.

Happiness is finding beauty and peace in what's around you.

Happiness is an unusually warm northwestern day. A day that your husband just so happens to get off work early. A day that you had planned a feast for supper, that is topped off by the ability to play and grill outside together.

 Returning from visiting family is always bittersweet. So sad to be leaving them again, so happy to see my husband again. Happiness is whatever you make it. It's everywhere around you, and it's everywhere inside you. It's your job to find it. It's your job to bring it to life. It's your job to feel the warmth of the sun, even if it only pokes through the clouds once every 20 days. Bottle it up and take it with you.

Happiness is letting that mess go...

...and just enjoying "little moments" with the most important and most special people in the entire world.


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