Where ya goin'?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I'm alive!!!

It's been over SEVEN MONTHS since my last post... and my little one is now seven months old! She made her appearance on March 25th, weighing in at 7lbs 10 oz, 20" long. She had a head full of hair and the chunkiest neck I've ever seen. Here are my kids now:
My crochet business on Facebook has been pretty successful. I currently have about two weeks worth of orders to fill, and plan to squeeze in some things for my kids. The next few weeks hold a lot for us: Thanksgiving... We're moving (AGAIN!), but this time we're buying a house, so we are incredibly excited!... And then we're flying to Texas AND Virginia to visit family!!! Before we know it, it will be 2012. I'm going to have to look and see when I started my blog, because I know my 1 year blogversary is coming up! I've started two new ventures: Sewing and writing crochet patterns. My first pattern is in the process of being tested and then I'll be putting it up for sale. I'll be sewing just for fun. I definitely have too many hobbies now. I need to find more time to sew and to scrapbook, but I'm crocheting almost daily. What can I say? It's my most favorite hobby of all!

I have some ideas for my blog and I would love input. I would like to start writing several times a week with certain themes... Once a week sharing what's new in my family's lives, once sharing new recipes I'll be trying for the week, once sharing my WIPS, and...? Any ideas!? Occasionally I would also like to post some tutorials on basic crochet techniques or skills for people interested in learning. I would love any and all input! Thanks! And happy fall from my family to y'all!!!

P.S. Major revamping to this layout... coming soon!

1 comment:

Carol said...

Can't wait to try some of your recipes! Glad you are blogging again!

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